Design and validation of a test to assess specific apnea in underwater hockey athletes
Underwater hockey, Test validation, ApneaAbstract
In the present research we carried out a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, and cross-sectional methodological study for the design and validation of a test that measures the apnea of underwater hockey athletes using a small-sided game. For the test validations, we considered parameters of validity, reliability, objectivity, and sensitivity. The validity was established by a panel of 31 experts, who confirmed, with an agreement of 0.92, that the test measures the specific apnea for underwater hockey. A test-retest intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.871 confirmed the reliability of the test. The objectivity of the test was corroborated by an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.99. Lastly, sensitivity was determined considering factors such as gender, age, experience, pool depth, and elevation above sea level. Analysis of this factors led to the identification of an association between average apnea and depth and gender, and no association between “total apnea” and the variables considered. This type of test contributes to the empirical evidence regarding the performance of underwater hockey athletes, providing relevant information and methodological tools for the planning and control of the sport training.
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