Experiencing online classes: educational experiences at the basic and secondary levels of education at Cibercolegio U.C.N 2021


  • Johan Alexis Castrillón Rodríguez Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Maria Natalia Pérez Arango Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Mónica Yisela Ramírez Ocampo Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Jhon Alexander Arboleda Díaz Universidad Católica del Norte


School physical education, Virtual education


Problem: This research was carried out at the virtual educational institution Cibercolegio (U.C.N), belonging to the Universidad Católica del Norte, with administrative headquarters in Medellín, Colombia. The work approach in the area of ​​physical education had traditionally been based on autonomous work, with activities developed through the institutional platform Elión. However, due to the various impacts caused by the pandemic, students were offered the possibility of participating in live practical classes through online sessions, a modality that had not been previously implemented in the institution. After the first experience with this new methodology, this research was started. Objective: to determine the impact of live practical classes through online sessions on students. Method: a qualitative approach with a descriptive design was adopted. The study sample was probabilistic of a simple random type, and included 284 students from basic and secondary education levels, aged between 6 and 17 years. The main instrument used was a satisfaction survey, which inquired about the students' perception of their experiences from multiple aspects. Results: The surveyed students expressed very positive responses regarding the development of their physical skills, mental health and socialization in virtual environments.

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How to Cite

Castrillón Rodríguez, J. A., Pérez Arango, M. N., Ramírez Ocampo, M. Y., & Arboleda Díaz, J. A. (2024). Experiencing online classes: educational experiences at the basic and secondary levels of education at Cibercolegio U.C.N 2021. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 13(2), 10–22. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/358546



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