Exploratory Experiment with Support Teachers at the Plan Ceibal (Uruguay) as an Component for the Creation of a Model of Information Literacy
information literacy, information competencies, Plan Ceibal, models of information literacy, primary education, UruguayAbstract
The article presents the results obtained in an exploratory experiment of research, selection and evaluation of information sources. These practices were made with the Plan Ceibal (MAC) support teachers (Uruguay). The experiment was carried out within the framework of the “information and reading literacy” program, which is carried out in the Academic Development Program on Information and Communication (PRODIC) of the Information and Comunicación Faculty (FIC) of the Universidad de la República (UdelaR). The research worked with 20 teachers who came from state schools in the western district of Montevideo and who developed the project in a workshop mode, observing the research, selection and evaluation of the information. These processes were made by the teachers themselves by following an instruction based on searching current topics. The objective of the experiment was to make the teachers aware of the importance of information literacy and primarily to recognize the way their behaviors are connected with information. The results of the experiment were dedicated to the construction of a Model of information literacy for the Plan Ceibal.
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