Challenges of Public University Libraries in Mexico. Reflections for the Future




University libraries, libraries of higher education institutions, university libraries in Mexico


In a context marked by the accelerated technological development and by the cons-tant generation, renewal and obsolescence of knowledge, library institutions require the permanent analysis of their environment to carry out their current and future functions in a relevant and quality manner. Based on researches carried out by the Consejo Nacional para Asuntos Bibliotecarios A. C. [National Council for Library Affairs A. C.] (CONPAB - IES) 2015, and on the analysis of current literature that refers to the future of the university library in the world, this article analyzes the situation and prospective of the library systems affiliated with the Council, in order to provide a model of the educational, technological, locative and economic chan-ges that libraries have gone through and, therefore, to induce reflection for the implementation of strategies that allow the library institution to position itself effectively in its current and future environment.

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Author Biographies

J. Alberto Arellano Rodríguez, Autonomous University of Yucatan

Director of the Library System of the Autonomous University of Yucatan, UADY. PhD Candidate. Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom. Master's degree in Library Science. University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pa. - U.S.A. Agricultural Information Specialist. West Virginia University and University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. - USA.

Celia Mireles Cárdenas, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

Full-time Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, UASLP. PhD in Information Sciences, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Master in Library and Information Studies, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, Member of the National System of Researchers, CONACYT.


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How to Cite

Arellano Rodríguez, J. A., & Mireles Cárdenas, C. (2018). Challenges of Public University Libraries in Mexico. Reflections for the Future. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 41(2), 195–203.




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