Experiences on Digital Preservation for Libraries and Archives: Two Case Studies in Colombia


  • Carlos Suárez Quiceno Luis Amigó Catholic University
  • Álvaro Osorio Tuberquia Luis Amigó Catholic University




Digital preservation, conservation, digital documents of text, digitalization, production of digital origin


This article addresses the problem of preservation of digital documents by means of the study of two representative cases: The first referred to production of digital origin, the second to digitization from printed material, such as the production of digital books of the Fundación Editorial Universidad Católica Luis Amigó and the digitization of the vertical archive of the Gilberto Martínez Library of the Casa del Teatro, of Medellín. From there, a thematic analysis that allowed approaching some general guidelines to guide those interested in the preservation of digital documents of a textual nature was made. The practices carried out by these organizations are exposed and the learning that derives from these experiences is taken into account. Among them are: The importance that preservation is also assumed by those who produce digital content and not only by institutions dedicated to file management; integrate preservation in institutional planning; select the material according to the importance of the documents; the convenience of hiring services from specialized companies; generate preservation and distribution files; keep copies in different physical media and store them in spatially separate places. To preserve digital production, the individual user must resort to different storage systems, especially cloud services and various physical media.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Suárez Quiceno, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Master in Aesthetics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin. B.A. in Spanish and literature, Universidad de Antioquia. Sociologist, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana de Medellín. Professor, Faculty of Communication, Advertising and Design, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó.

Álvaro Osorio Tuberquia, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Specialist in University Research Teaching. Librarian, University of Antioquia. Coordinator of the Library Department, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó.


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How to Cite

Suárez Quiceno, C., & Osorio Tuberquia, Álvaro. (2018). Experiences on Digital Preservation for Libraries and Archives: Two Case Studies in Colombia. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 41(3), 267–276. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.v41n3a05


