Compasses, Coordinates, and Maps. Travel Log of the Curriculum Innovation of the Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología of the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
curricular innovation, library science, archiving, information sciences, library training, archival trainingAbstract
This article presents the advances of the macro stage of the ongoing Curricular Innovation Project of the undergraduate programs of the Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología at the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. This project aims to build a curricular proposal that articulates in different dimensions, epistemological-theoretical, pedagogical, didactic, curricular, and administrative, the undergraduate programs in Archiving and Library Science, based on the participation of its key actors, the analysis of the context, and the institutional stamp. Methodologically, tension analysis was used, seeking to make a critical, situated, and historical reading of the theoretical, epistemological, and trend approaches, in order to maintain a balance between labor and social requirements with respect to vocations and institutional traditions. The advances are presented in terms of statements that guide the conception and institutional curricular action, and account for four central issues: the agreements of the articulating and specific objects of study, the identification and analysis of contemporary trends, the definition of graduation profiles, and the configuration of the pedagogical horizon. In the end, some recommendations are put forward to continue encouraging the journey, which can be synthesized into three issues: achieving articulation with the meso and micro curricular stages, advancing in the consolidation of the methodological memory of the project, and proposing administrative alternatives to face curricular innovation processes.
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