Action Research, Design Science Research, Action Design Research, Information Science, innovation in Libraries, StArt®Abstract
The Action Research, Design Science Research and Action Design Research methods share certain characteristics such as the search for theoretical rigor and practical relevance, however, they are different research methods. However, the distinction between one and the other is not always clear. This article aims to clarify the differences between the three methods and verify if they have been used in the context of research in Information Science. To this end, a Systematic Literature Review was carried out considering theses and dissertations in the area defended in the period from 2018 to 2021, retrieved from the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. The results indicate a predominance of the use of Action Research in the elaboration of dissertations and the use of Design Science Research in the elaboration of theses. No studies were identified that rigorously applied the Action Design Research method. As a way of clarifying the differences between the methods and how they can be applied in Information Science, in addition to analyzing two theses in the area, situations were idealized, based on the theme “innovation in libraries”, to demonstrate how the Action Research methods , Design Science Research and Action Design Research can be applied in the area, based on different research objectives.
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