Access to knowledge requires applying organization and representation of knowledge
knowledge organization and representation, access to information, access to knowledge, information and communication technologiesAbstract
This documentary research explains the importance of organizational and representational knowledge processes (ORC) for the quick access of sources of information and knowledge. The explanation presented is based on a rational approach through the use of deduction and by approaching the issue from general to specific. A characterization, both historical and current, of the ORC is carried out from reflections on the human need to know and to be informed and the challenges brought about by the exponential growth in volume of content in digital and physical formats. This research highlights the impact of information and communication technologies have had on the outlines of systematization and dissemination of knowledge, the changes that are taking place in the structures of human thought patterns, in the patterns of access to in formation, and in ORC itself. This paper concludes that ORC creates the means to eliminate the information gap and democratizes knowledge. It recommends a deepening of its theoretical construction and improvement of its practical aspects
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