Limnological characterization of Riogrande II Reservoir (Antioquia), Colombia
Colombia, limnology, tropical reservoir, physical and chemical characterizationAbstract
In this investigation Riogrande II reservoir is characterized from the climatic, chemical, and physical perspectives. With this aim were measured two climatic variables (rainfall and wind), six physical (temperature, vertical attenuation for upwelling irradiance, suspended solids, dissolved solids, turbidity, electrical conductivity) and four chemical (dissolved oxygen, free CO2, pH, alkalinity). These quantifications were carried out along one year in five sampling stations between which río Chico arriba was significantly different due to high degree of material in suspension and high values for all of the descriptors measured, was different to the others. In the gravity-light axis the reservoir was stratified with upwelling of metalimnetic water inside the surface layer, and anoxic hipolimnio during the entire sampling year in all the sampling points. It is considered that the reservoir has an atelomictic mixture pattern.
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