
  • Gilmar Santafé University of Cordoba
  • Yesmy Vargas University of Córdoba
  • Lorena Hoyos University of Córdoba
  • Omar Torres University of Cordoba
  • Juan Zuluaga University of Cordoba



fatty acids, marine sponge, steroids compound, Bay of Cispat, colombia


From the methanolic extracts of the marine sponges Cliona varians, Tedania ignis, Amorphinopsis sp. 1, andCinachyrella kukenthali collected in the Bay of Cispata, Department of CÛrdoba (Colombia),were obtainedtheir lipids fractions by means of partition and chromatographic process. The structures were determined onthe basis of spectral dates and retention time by high resolution gas chromatography coupled to massspectroscopy (HRGC-MS); 36 fatty acids were identified in all the sponges (17in C. varians, 11 in T. ignis, 20in Amorphinopsis sp. 1, and 12 in C. kukenthali). The carbon chains contained 12- 28 carbon atoms includingstraight, branched and unsaturated chains. On the other hand, 21 steroids were identified in all the sponges (11en C. varians, 7 en T. ignis, 14 en Amorphinopsis sp. 1, and 9 en C. kukenthali), their structures were identifiedas monohydroxylated with nucleus D0, D5, 7 and saturated and unsaturated side chains.

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Author Biographies

Gilmar Santafé, University of Cordoba

Chemistry Department

Yesmy Vargas, University of Córdoba

Chemistry Department

Lorena Hoyos, University of Córdoba

Chemistry Department

Omar Torres, University of Cordoba

Chemistry Department

Juan Zuluaga, University of Cordoba

Chemistry department


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How to Cite

Santafé, G., Vargas, Y., Hoyos, L., Torres, O., & Zuluaga, J. (2018). CHEMISTRY OF THE LIPIDIC FRACTION OF MARINE SPONGES FROM C”RDOBA DEPARTMENT(COLOMBIA). Actualidades Biológicas, 27(1), 6.



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