About the verleugnung in the masochistic contract


  • Elena Bisso Palermo University




psychoanalysis, the contract ́s masochist, Verleugnung, fetish, “that which does not cease to not writeitself”, oxymoron, feminine jouissance


The purpose of this study is to show the logic of the contract ́s masochist in the relation between the subject and the big Other. In this case, theVerleugnung is the way of disavowal “that which does not cease to not write itself” or the impossible in Jacques Lacan's sexuation formulas. The most relevant difference between the literature of courtley love and this sytle of contract about facing the impossible is that the first is the product of sublimation. The contract ́s masochist has the nature of a fetish.
The importance of the contract ́s masochist was a point of coincidence between Jacques Lacan and Gilles Deleuze in the period 1966-1969, and it constitutes a remarkable element for the studies of the perversion in psychoanalysis.

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Author Biography

Elena Bisso, Palermo University

Psychoanalyst at PAUSA (Applied Psychoanalysis to Subjective Emergencies of Today). PhD candidate at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Professor at the University of Palermo, Argentina. Member of the Argentine Association of Mental Health. Diploma from the ICBA, Clinical Institute of Buenos Aires.


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Lacan, J.(1981). El seminario de Jacques Lacan. Libro 20: Aún.1972-1973. (Rabinovich,D.,Delmont Mauri, J y Sucre, J Trad.) Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.(Trabajo original publicado en 1975).

Miller, J. (2004) Los usos del lapso.(Prados, N. Trad.) Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós. (Trabajo original dictado en un seminario durante 1999 y 2000).

Rabinovich, D. (1992) Modos lógicos del amor de transferencia. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Manantial.

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How to Cite

Bisso, E. (2012). About the verleugnung in the masochistic contract. Affectio Societatis, 9(16), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.12040



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