Musicality and transmission of the voice: James, John and Lucia Joyce


  • Renata Mattos Rio de Janeiro State University
  • Doris Rinaldi Rio de Janeiro State University



Joyce, musicality, voice, Father, trait, writing


The aim of this paper is to work the thematic of the voice, the music and the trait in James Joyce, his father John and his daughter Lucia in order to think about the question of the elevation of the symptom of the lack of the father through the writing of James Joyce in his literary work as well as though the relation of Lucia with the dance. Our proposal is to reflect about the writing of Joyce to think about the relation between a possible writing of the voice and the invocation to the Father, as well as the transmission of the voice made in these three generations of the Joyce family in what each one of them could, in different ways, create guided by the real.

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Author Biographies

Renata Mattos, Rio de Janeiro State University

Psychoanalyst. Doutora em Pesquisa e Clínica em Psicanálise pela UERJ. She investigates the articulation between psychoanalysis and music from the constitution of the subject and the voice object, with publications on this topic.

Doris Rinaldi, Rio de Janeiro State University

Psychoanalyst. PhD in Social Anthropology at UFRJ. Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Psychology at UERJ working in the Post-Graduate Program in Psychoanalysis.


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How to Cite

Mattos, R., & Rinaldi, D. (2012). Musicality and transmission of the voice: James, John and Lucia Joyce. Affectio Societatis, 9(16), 1–17.