On father and paternal funtion in femele homosexuality


  • Hebe Celina Gioiosa Argentine University John F. Kennedy




female homosexuality, desire, child, paternal function


Psychoanalysis and culture show in their intimacy the knotting of issues relating to desire and jouissance
via love. The encounter with contemporary problems—such as homosexuality and the desire to be parents—will require ananalysis beyond our field by linking the legal and the social. From the psychoanalytic framework, it will be interesting to present a thorough study in the interest of specifying the paternal function in order to consider the feasibility of its operation. This paper is part of an ongoing thesis that invites to think about the issues here referred in the context of Lacanian psychoanalysis.
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Author Biography

Hebe Celina Gioiosa, Argentine University John F. Kennedy

Degree in Psychology, Argentine University John F. Kennedy. Professor of the Department of Psychoanalysis, Argentine University John F. Kennedy (Argentina). Member of the APPSI network (Comprehensive Psychological and Psychiatric Assistance with psychoanalytic training), Argentina.


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How to Cite

Gioiosa, H. C. (2014). On father and paternal funtion in femele homosexuality . Affectio Societatis, 11(21), 26–38. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.20239