The psychoanalysis of Lacanian orientation in the treatment of autism


  • Miguel Gutiérrez-Peláez Del Rosario University



autism, enunciation, autistic object, withdrawal, voice


The following paper aims to introduce the main axes in the contemporary debate regarding the Lacanian psychoanalytic approach of autism. Different autobiographic writings by autistic people are here referred in order to untangle what they can bear witness to in relation to what allowed them a way out of their autistic withdrawal. The research on which this paper is based emphasizes the importance of the recognition that
psychoanalysis makes of the autistic person as a subject with full rights and the fundamental role it plays in the contemporary debates regarding a possible treatment for autism.
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Author Biography

Miguel Gutiérrez-Peláez, Del Rosario University

Psychologist from the Pontifical Xavierian University (PUJ). Master in Psychoanalysis and Doctor in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Psychoanalyst Member of the New Lacanian School (NEL) and of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). Career Professor of the Psychology Program at the Del Rosario University, School of Medicine and Health Sciences (Colombia).


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Grandin, T. (2006). Thinking In Pictures. My Life with Autism.New York, USA: Vintage Press.

Maleval, J.C. (2011). El autista y su voz.Madrid, España: Gredos.

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Williams, D. (1999). Nobody Nowhere. The Remarkable Autobiography of an Autistic Girl.London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Peláez, M. (2014). The psychoanalysis of Lacanian orientation in the treatment of autism . Affectio Societatis, 11(21), 1–8.