Principales of the symptom: from deciphering to jouissance


  • Fabián Becerra Fuquen University of Buenos Aires



symptom, unconscious, satisfaction of the drive, jouissance


This paper seeks to clear up some principles to the understanding of the symptom by addressing the Freudian and Lacanian texts in order to elucidate the constitution of meaning in the symptom, its genesis, its unconscious status, its relation to the satisfaction of the drive, and thereby to understand the jouissance of the symptom.

This implies to turn the principles that both Freud and Lacan state in their theory and thus to understand these questions: Why does a symptom come alive? How does a symptom achieve to say something? And even more, why does a subject enjoy his/her symptom? Approaching an answer allows us to take a position on the clinic of the symptom to think about its orientation.
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Author Biography

Fabián Becerra Fuquen, University of Buenos Aires

Master in Psychoanalysis at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Clinical training in psychoanalysis at the Rio de la Plata Clinical College. Clinical Concurrent in "La Tercera, assistance and teaching in psychoanalysis", Buenos Aires (Argentina). Professor of the psychology program at the University of Santander, Bucaramanga (Colombia).


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Freud, S. (1992b). Lo inconsciente. En: Obras completas, vol. XIV. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu Editores. (Trabajo publicado originalmenteen1915).

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Lacan, J. (2010). Seminario, Libro 7: La ética del Psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires: Paidós. (Trabajo original de 1959-1960).

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How to Cite

Becerra Fuquen, F. . (2015). Principales of the symptom: from deciphering to jouissance . Affectio Societatis, 12(22), 105–112.