Notes on the body in the thought of Judith Butler: Contributions of psychoanalysis on the queer theory


  • Ariel Martínez National University of La Plata



sex, gender, body


This paper presents some general guidelines on the distinction sex/gender and its impact on the delimitation of the body category in feminist theory. Then, it offers some arguments that question the sexual dimorphism in natural terms from Judith Butler's psychoanalytic conceptualizations. According to this, essentialist and constructivist approaches are discussed in relation to the body, illustrated from Luce Irigaray and Judith Butler's proposals. Finally, it comes to the conclusion of the need to debate the sex category as a special occasion to reformulate the multiple conceptualizations involving the dimension of the body.

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Author Biography

Ariel Martínez, National University of La Plata

Graduate And Professor in Psychology, National University of La Plata (Argentina). Doctoral fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). Professor at the Faculty of Psychology (UNLP) and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences (UNLP). Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Research (CINIG), Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IdIHCS), UNLP.


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How to Cite

Martínez, A. (2015). Notes on the body in the thought of Judith Butler: Contributions of psychoanalysis on the queer theory . Affectio Societatis, 12(23), 1–16.