Time, disembodiment, and unreality in Anna Kavan’s My soul in China





time, language, unreality, disembodiment


This paper inquires into time, unreality, and disembodiment. These topics are tackled in Anna Kavan's work –a twentieth-century English writer–, whose novels and tales have elements for a psychoanalytic approach of such topics. It is found out that, in the author's work, they appear in relation to the limit of the symbolic and its insufficiency. In this sense, they appear as a silent enigma for the subject since they exceed the field of language.

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Author Biography

David Jiménez Arenas, University of Boyacá

Psychologist, Master in Psychoanalysis, Subjectivity and Culture from the National University of Colombia. Professor at the University of Boyacá, Sogamoso, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Arenas, D. (2017). Time, disembodiment, and unreality in Anna Kavan’s My soul in China. Affectio Societatis, 14(27), 238–252. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.v14n27a12