Judith Butler and the real, or the history of a misunderstanding





Butler, sexual difference, real, psychoanalysis, Žižek


At various points in her work, Judith Butler has questioned the operation by which psychoanalysis –specifically, the Lacanian tradition– would erase the historicity of certain concepts when postulating them as transhistorical. The “real” order, as articulated in the discourse of Jacques Lacan and his successors, would imply, according to Butler, the concealment of its symbolic, epochal production. This paper addresses some of those specific questions that the American author has posed to the Lacanian tradition concerning the problem of the historicity of the concepts, focusing on the discussion she has carried out with the psychoanalytic field in general and the Slovenian school in particular.

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Author Biographies

Tomás Speziale, University of Buenos Aires

Graduate in Sociology, Graduate in Political Science and doctoral student in Social Sciences (uba). He is a ubacyt doctoral fellow –based at the Gino Germani Research Institute– and a professor of Main Currents of Contemporary Thought in the Communication Sciences Career (Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA). He has published specialized articles in magazines in Argentina, Mexico and London. He is co-author of the recently published book Designed Lives. Criticism of ontological coaching (Ubu Ediciones, 2021). In recent years he has carried out academic exchanges in Spain, the United States and Mexico.3. Graduate in Political Science and doctoral student in Social Sciences (Universidad de Buenos Aires). She is a doctoral fellow from the CONICET –based at the Gino Germani Research Institute– and a professor of the Philosophy subject in the Sociology Career (Faculty of Social Sciences, uba). She has participated with her own writings in the recently published books Politics and the Political: at the intersection of post-foundationalism and psychoanalysis (clacso-iigg, 2020) and Designed Lives. Critique of ontological coaching (Ubu Ediciones, 2021).Abstract Judith Butler has questioned, at various times in her work, the operation by which psychoanalysis –and, specifically, the Lacanian tradition– would erase the historicity of certain concepts by postulating them as transhistorical. The record of "the real", as it has been articulated in recent years, has carried out academic exchanges in Spain, the United States and Mexico.

Mandela Indiana Muniagurria, University of Buenos Aires

Graduate in Political Science and doctoral student in Social Sciences (University of Buenos Aires). She is a doctoral fellow from the CONICET –based at the Gino Germani Research Institute– and a professor of the Philosophy subject in the Sociology Career (Faculty of Social Sciences, uba). She has participated with her own writings in the recently published books Politics and the Political: in the
intersection of post-foundationalism and psychoanalysis (clacso-iigg, 2020) and Designed Lives. Criticism of ontological coaching (Ubu Ediciones, 2021).


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How to Cite

Speziale, T., & Indiana Muniagurria, M. (2021). Judith Butler and the real, or the history of a misunderstanding. Affectio Societatis, 18(35). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.v18n35a07