Exhumation and analysis of an unpublished autograph document by Sigmund Freud (circa 1897-1898)
psychoanalysis, Freud, unpublished word, trauma theoryAbstract
The Spanish-speaker readers interested in psychoanalysis have been at a disadvantage for the last two decades with respect to their peers from other languages. Freud’s recently found or declassified manuscripts and drafts have been minimally rendered into our language. This paper makes available the first outcome of a research project on the history of psychoanalysis consisting of the selection, classification, dating, and translation into Spanish of unpublished manuscripts by Sigmund Freud recently declassified by the Library of Congress of the United States. This work presents the first translation, content analysis, and dating of a document that pertains to a turning point in the course of the theoretical-clinical hypotheses of the father of psychoanalysis.
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- 2023-02-26 (2)
- 2022-12-22 (1)
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