Rejection of the sexed body in anorexia
anorexia, rejection, body, pubertyAbstract
In this paper, by using the methodological support of a literature review, we propose to investigate the hypothesis that anorexia, which is triggered as a response to puberty, can be considered a rejection of the sexed body —in this case, as a rejection of the feminine body— especially of what in this body correlates with the emergence of a new sexual enjoyment. Passing through the crossroads of puberty also entails paradoxical sexual initiation for adolescents, not without obstacles. Thus, anorexia would appear as a response of the subject to the difficulty or even the impossibility of entering into the logic of sexuation and embracing a sexed body. To enrich our discussion, we have used some excerpts of Moara Passoni’s film Tem um vidro sob minha pele Glass under my skin (2014). Not pretending to exhaust the analysis of this film, we consider that it undertakes an articulation between the resources of image and discourse that can help us address specific points related to the question and draw consequences for a psychoanalytic clinic with anorexia.
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