Lacan's Antigone: commentary on the section titled "The essence of tragedy" in seminar 7, the ethics of psychoanalysis


  • Jorge Iván Jaramillo University of Antioquia



Antigone, ethics, tragedy, desire, subject, the Other, alienation, separation


The purpose of the present paper is to show the most important elements in Lacan ́s presentation related to the section titled The Essence of Tragedyin his seminar The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, by extracting from it the nodal aspects between ethics and tragedy. This commentary, despite being ruled by the lessons in the above mentioned section, will use Sophocles’ works as a direct reference to find the aspects dealing with tragedy. This is an attempt to set some consequences related to the analytical experience and the statute of the subject and the Other within the frame of the ethics of tragedy.

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Author Biography

Jorge Iván Jaramillo, University of Antioquia

Psychologist with studies in Philosophy. Candidate for a Magister in Psychoanalytic Research (University of Antioquia). Member of the Fragua Corporation (Medellín-Colombia).


Aristóteles. (1992). Poética.(v. García yebra, ed. Y trad.). Madrid, España: Gredos.

Lacan, J. (1995).El seminario Libro 7: La ética del psicoanálisis. Buenos aires, Argentina: Paidós. Trabajo original de 1959-1960.

Lacan, J. (1964). El seminario Libro 6: Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Barcelona, España: Paidós.

Lombardi, G. (2009). “Predeterminación y libertad electiva”. En: Lombardiy otros, El sujeto contemporáneo: una perspectiva analítico-filosófica. Medellín, Colombia: Universidad de antioquia.

Sófocles. (2004). Antígona.(s. Albano, trad.). Buenos aires, Argentina: Quadrata.



How to Cite

Jaramillo, J. I. (2010). Lacan’s Antigone: commentary on the section titled "The essence of tragedy" in seminar 7, the ethics of psychoanalysis. Affectio Societatis, 7(12), 1–15.