From the transformed cogito to the analytic act. The course of a psychoanalysis according to Lacan (1966-1968)


  • Luis C. Sanfelippo University of Buenos Aires



cogito, alienation, act, sublimation


Between 1966 and 1968, Jacques Lacan resorted to different philosophical, mathematical, and logical supports in order to present in his Seminar some operations that have effects on the subjective constitution and that, at same time, allow to delineate the course of an analysis. This paper tries to reconstruct and analyze the main aspects of such operative scheme from the analysis of some classes from Seminars XIV, The Logic of Fantasy, and XV, The Psychoanalytic Act, as well as from a number of contemporary writings. For this purpose, we start from Lacan's particular reading of the Cartesian cogito and then we tackle the operations proposed and their respective effects.

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Author Biography

Luis C. Sanfelippo, University of Buenos Aires

Psychoanalyst. PhD candidate in Psychology, with thesis presented on trauma in Freud's work and on historiography (awaiting defense). Professor and Researcher of the Chair I of History of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires. Staff psychologist at Hospital Alvarez (City of Buenos Aires). Supervisor and teacher of numerous hospitals in the same city.


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Lacan, J. (1962-63). El Seminario. Libro X. La angustia. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

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________. (1966-67). El Seminario. Libro XIV. La lógica del fantasma. Inédito.

________. (1967-68). El Seminario. Libro XV. El acto analítico. Inédito. Clase 5.

________. (1967a). La lógica del fantasma. En Lacan, J., Reseñas de enseñanza (39-46). Buenos Aires: Manantial, 1988.

________. (1967b). Proposición del 09 de octubre de 1967 sobre el psicoanalista de la Escuela (versión escrita). En J. Lacan y otros, Problemas cruciales de la experiencia analítica (7-23). Buenos Aires: Manantial, 2000.

________. (1967c). La equivocación del sujeto supuesto al saber. En J. Lacan y otros, Problemas cruciales de la experiencia analítica (25-37). Buenos Aires: Manantial, 2000.

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Rabinovich, D. (2003). Una clínica de la pulsión. Buenos Aires: Manantial.



How to Cite

Sanfelippo, L. C. (2017). From the transformed cogito to the analytic act. The course of a psychoanalysis according to Lacan (1966-1968). Affectio Societatis, 14(26), 111–136.