¿Quiénes dictan la regla en el arte? De la primitivización de artes y artistas no occidentales al mutuo reconocimiento: un desafío político y artístico pendiente


  • Lourdes Méndez Pérez


In order to show that the challenge of mutual recognition between Western and non-Western arts and artists is fundamentally political and requires, above all, to recognize the formerly "primitive" and today "ethnic" Other the power to dictate the rule in art, we must examine the unequal positions of power and legitimacy that Western and non-Western specialists occupy in the globalized field of art. This text explores this problem, paying attention, in the first place, to how - via colonization - ideas about the "primitive" and the Eurocentric categories of "art", "artist" and "work of art" were spread and imposed worldwide. , and its consequences for non-Western creators and their works. Then, the main common places of the postmodern discourse on art and their validity are examined to use them as arguments capable of facing the challenge of mutual recognition in a field of art that is today globalized.

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How to Cite

Pérez, L. M. (2015). ¿Quiénes dictan la regla en el arte? De la primitivización de artes y artistas no occidentales al mutuo reconocimiento: un desafío político y artístico pendiente. Artes La Revista, 6(11), 24–34. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/artesudea/article/view/23316



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