Subjective and multiple reflections. Constructions of Jean Nouvel and Jeff Wall


  • Lindy María Márquez Holguín University Nacional of Colombia, Medellín


Reflex, mirror, light, space, configuration, reality


This text is divided into two parts. The first presents the work of the architect Jean Nouvel, circumscribing it from the terms of building, mirror house and screen, and then, in the second, visualizing the work of the photographer Jeff Wall called stage, petrified construction and mounted event. A look at these two masters as an extension of the word reflection, since in their works specular spaces are built from being there
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Author Biography

Lindy María Márquez Holguín, University Nacional of Colombia, Medellín

Artista Plástica de la Universidad de Antioquia y Magíster en Artes Plásticas y Visuales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. Docente Ocasional de la Escuela de Artes de la misma universidad. Entre sus principales logros académicos y artísticos se destacan: Mejor egresado por programa académico UdeA (2008), "Parajes Laborales". Proyecto ganador de la sexta convocatoria Becas de Creación de Medellín (2009), Beca para mejor estudiante de Posgrado, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín (2010-2011).



How to Cite

Márquez Holguín, L. M. (2015). Subjective and multiple reflections. Constructions of Jean Nouvel and Jeff Wall. Artes La Revista, 10(17), 108–119. Retrieved from



Artículos de Investigación