Legado pedagógico del maestro Enrique Buenaventura
The present article is a summary of the investigation project about the pedagogic,
didactic and curricular contribution given by Enrique Buenaventura to the theatric
formation in Colombia. Presented for the title of PhD in science of education, in the
inter-university project: Colombian’s university network RUDECOLOMBIA. The hypothesis that orientates the investigation is: if in the theatric theory and in the artistic production of Enrique Buenaventura are constructed and reflect pedagogic, didactic and curricular principles then you could design a pedagogic model that gives historic identity to the superior theatric education in Colombia.
|Abstract = 117 veces
PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 124 veces|
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How to Cite
Cardona Garzón, M. (2015). Legado pedagógico del maestro Enrique Buenaventura. Artes La Revista, 11(18), 209–223. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/artesudea/article/view/24332
Ponencias: Indisponer la escena - Segundo Congreso internacional de Estudios Teatrales (2012)
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