El Cuerpo Habla, an Artistic Proposal for Life


  • Jannet Fernanda Aguirre Sepúlveda Universidad de Antioquia
  • Mónica Milena Restrepo Rojas Universidad de Antioquia
  • Nora Gabriela Galvis Orozco Universidad de Antioquia
  • Evelyn Joan Loaiza Quiceno Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juan Felipe Orozco Posada University of Antioquia
  • Diana Carolina Paniagua Ramírez University of Antioquia


Artistic collective, El Cuerpo Habla, body, flesh, performance, ritual, resistance, workshop, interdisciplinarity, research in arts


This paper intends to give a brief tour of the work carried out by the artistic collective El Cuerpo Habla from its beginning as a complementary workshop at the Faculty of Arts of the Universidad de Antioquia in 2003 through what it is now: an interdisciplinary artistic collective that aims for group work, the practice of an artistic manifestation as broad spectrum as performance art, and whose thematic axes are becoming, resistance, the notion of ritual linked to the performative action and the redefinition of the word “body” to unfold the flesh.

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Author Biographies

Jannet Fernanda Aguirre Sepúlveda, Universidad de Antioquia

Bachelor of Dance and psychologist from the University of Antioquia. Professor at the Faculty of Arts, Universidad de Antioquia. Member of the Artistic Collective The Body Speaks.

Mónica Milena Restrepo Rojas, Universidad de Antioquia

Student Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts, Universidad de Antioquia.

Nora Gabriela Galvis Orozco, Universidad de Antioquia

Student Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts, Universidad de Antioquia.

Evelyn Joan Loaiza Quiceno, Universidad de Antioquia

Student Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts, Universidad de Antioquia.

Juan Felipe Orozco Posada, University of Antioquia

Student Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts, Universidad de Antioquia.

Diana Carolina Paniagua Ramírez, University of Antioquia

Philosophy student, Institute of Philosophy, University of Antioquia. Member of the Artistic Collective The Body Speaks.



How to Cite

Aguirre Sepúlveda, J. F., Restrepo Rojas, M. M., Galvis Orozco, N. G., Loaiza Quiceno, E. J., Orozco Posada, J. F., & Paniagua Ramírez, D. C. (2016). El Cuerpo Habla, an Artistic Proposal for Life. Artes La Revista, 12(19), 118–128. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/artesudea/article/view/26300


