El vestuario y el calzado para bailar, una mirada con perspectiva histórica sobre algunos elementos que definen la danza académica teatral


  • Martha Elena Trejo O'Reilly National Autonomous University of Mexico


Body language, Ballet, Pointe shoes, Lightness, Balance.


For centuries, humans have expressed artistically, showing that communication that is not part of the universe of words can be profound and can contribute to human development. One of those artistic expressions is dance, which is conveyed through body language. The academic theatre dance known as ballet is one of its manifestations, and it has its roots in Europe, where technical and expressive characteristics were created that are still in effect today. This article wishes to review to review some aspects that have been decisive for dance and will refer to wardrobe and footwear as constituent elements of theatre expression, emphasizing that the work of art will always be embeddedin its historical context.

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Author Biography

Martha Elena Trejo O'Reilly, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Master in Pedagogy, National Autonomous University of Mexico.


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How to Cite

Trejo O’Reilly, M. E. (2017). El vestuario y el calzado para bailar, una mirada con perspectiva histórica sobre algunos elementos que definen la danza académica teatral. Artes La Revista, 13(20), 207–230. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/artesudea/article/view/327043



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