El figurino como acontecimiento, una propuesta del traje escénico más allá de la representación


  • Luisa Alejandra Uribe University of Antioquia


Scenic costume, Theatrical costume, Representational images., Fashion, Theater


This paper presents an epistemological reading of scenic costume according to the theories expounded by Michel Foucault, and worked on as picture thinking by the philosopher Edgar Garavito. It proposes an analysis of thought images of representation, modernity and postmodernity, and how the concepts postulated by each reflect the shapes and characteristics of the fashion system and scenic costume clothes. The study analyzes the representation as picture thinking with greater power in the scenic aesthetic costume, and puts in their place my character models in conceptual and visual forms of theatrical costumes, scenic ways that established the norms guiding the costume. We propose the concept of costumer event as a quest that configures and makes other paths and perspectives that do not follow the concept of the scenic costume representation and intend to expand the references and meanings of this scenic component.
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Author Biography

Luisa Alejandra Uribe, University of Antioquia

Especialista en Patronaje Textil. Maestra en Arte Dramático.


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How to Cite

Uribe, L. A. (2019). El figurino como acontecimiento, una propuesta del traje escénico más allá de la representación. Artes La Revista, 16(23), 268–285. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/artesudea/article/view/337842



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