La importancia de la escenografía en el teatro barroco español



Escenografía, Espacio dramático, Espectador, Teatro, Teatro barroco español


Due to the various crisis that occurred in the 17th century, the art took a different and renewed way in order to adapt itself to the expressive and reception necessities of both the artists and the baroque public. With its illusory and sensorial characteristics, the theatre presented itself as the greatest artistic manifestation of the epoch, which allowed the baroque spectator to escape from and forget about the problematic reality of their world and introduce themselves into a better universe. Then, due to the necessity of making the public part of the representation to make them believe they were actually in those worlds, the scenography gained relevance within the theatre. Both the technical aspects such as the creation of different machines to produce special effects, and the artistic aspects such as the paintings and the decorating elements, contributed to the close relationship between the spectators and the theatre itself, and made this artistic manifestation the most important in the 17th century.

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How to Cite

Insignares Ahumada, J. (2023). La importancia de la escenografía en el teatro barroco español. Artes La Revista, 19(26), 16–33. Retrieved from



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