Pedagogical reflections on purpose: “Investigate, create, training: project about education for teachers in theater on San Onofre town”



Investigative spiral, Rural education, Theater teacher training, Theater training, Research-creation


The following text presents some pedagogical reflections on the project “Investigate, Create, Train: Training for teachers in theater in the Municipality of San Onofre” which was developed in three stages from February 2018 to June 2020, focused on theater training
for educators in educational institutions. Each stage covered specific contents of theater training, the first focusing on appropriation, the second on scenic creation, and the third on dramaturgies for the school. This article reflects on the first stage, which was structured in three phases: a theoretical seminar, the implementation of educational workshops, and an academic meeting. These reflections comes from the premise of someone with the same academic background but working in a rural context who's perspectives are developed on the basis of the sensations and thoughts of teachers teaching outside their place of origin, intersected by the references of research-creation/training. The text initially describes the origin of the project. Then, it defines the concept of investigative spiral and its relationship with research-creation/training, which serves as a framework for understanding the processes that occurred in its implementation. Subsequently, reflections are presented on some components of the project, two of them based on different perspectives, such as the context in which it is inserted and the component of the educational workshops. Next, three other elements that are the subject of reflection-evaluation of the investigative spiral are grouped: alternate training processes, community participation, and theater references. Finally, conclusions are presented regarding limitations, recommendations,
and suggestions for future research.

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Author Biography

Vera Ramírez Muñoz, Corporación Mariamulata

Directora de proyectos Corporación Mariamulata


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How to Cite

Ramírez Muñoz, V. (2024). Pedagogical reflections on purpose: “Investigate, create, training: project about education for teachers in theater on San Onofre town”. Artes La Revista, 21(28), 40–66. Retrieved from



Artículos de Investigación