Application of fair value and its effect on the use of creative accounting practices in Colombia


  • Ketty Lorena Moreno Palacios University of Medellin



Fair value, creative accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards, valuation methods, historical cost


This research aims to link the model of fair value with creative accounting practices in the Colombian context, trying to discover the effect of the implementation of this form of assessment in the use of creative accounting practices. It presents an analysis that seeks to show that in the use of market values in the Colombian context there is the need of an appropriate regulatory framework and solid structures of control that dwindle the risks arising from the asymmetry of information. Otherwise users will be exposed to the dangers derived from creative accounting practices
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How to Cite

Moreno Palacios, K. L. (2015). Application of fair value and its effect on the use of creative accounting practices in Colombia. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (64), 69–84.


