Tax dodging and tax avoidance in terms of the Constitutional Court, Council of State and Directorate of National Taxes and Customs
planning, tax, tax avoidance, tax dodgingAbstract
The legislator, in tax matters by a principle of legality, has the power of taxes, that is to say, he can write laws, which sometimes (not always) allows the taxpayer to develop tax avoidance practices due to technical fallacies, wrote on those laws. Sometimes, the legislator can also write laws that intentionally allow making tax avoidance practices in order to benefit to a certain group of taxpayers. That is, for any of these two essential reasons, tax laws permit to carry out avoidance practices legally. Therefore, is of paramount importance to outline the positions that can be offered by the High Courts in tax matters, since the Constitutional Court, Council of State, and Executive Council are in charge of tax avoidance and tax dodging in the National Directorate of Taxes and Customs. Certainly, these organizations could consolidate tax avoidance practices and establish in which moments or circumstances tax dodging practices could be implemented in order to desist of them and avoid incurring in sanctions, as well as legal fines.
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