Assimilation and ruptures of the education about public accounting: From the South and for the South


  • William Rojas-Rojas University of Valle



accounting education, subjectivity, individuality, regional identity, accounting research


The accounting education, from the South and for the South, demands that teachers and students get over the institutional barriers. To this end, this article suggests the need to strength the individuality and to teach the accounting as know-how providing the solution for multiple problems the society is facing. A reflection about three key aspects is made in order to plan our public accounting programs on behalf of an integral education: Consistency, accounting, and environment, accounting ethics, foundations, and guarantees that rule the offer and evaluation of the study program. Finally, positioning the accounting education with the recognition of the subject and the individuality that emerges today is proposed; and the achievements of the Colombian accounting education are underlined, especially from the 80’s. There just remains rethink what we understand as evolution and development of education and accounting research in the South, at Latin-America.

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Author Biography

William Rojas-Rojas, University of Valle

Doctor of Management Sciences at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, CNAM. DEA in human resource development, CNAM. MSc in Organizations, Public Accountant and Graduate in Philosophy, Universidad del Valle. Full-time professor of the Public Accounting program, Universidad del Valle. Director of the New Administrative Thought research group. Academic member of the Colombian Center for Accounting Research C-Cinco.


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How to Cite

Rojas-Rojas, W. (2018). Assimilation and ruptures of the education about public accounting: From the South and for the South. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (71), 85–101.


