Subjectivity, a Stream Insurmountable
positivism, objectivity, subjectivity, fact, socio-historical sciencesAbstract
Brooding about positivism has managed to continue its successful promotion to all academic boxes of the educational system, passing in the minds of many applied as if the only wayto come to the knowledge they were invalid, and unknown among his gigantic steps, other ways to examine the nuanced reality, some epistemologies, such as those that draw on thesocial phenomenology, it remains an intriguing question. It is to this incipient and thoughtful humanistic school that has shaken the scientistic model. Having tended always to achieve thehighest degree of objectivity in their findings, has had to clench your fists and recognize that many of their ostentatious "objective" spin on human nature and its conventions, and mustadmit many of them drop by drop the possibility of addressing the problems with other methods, other perspectives, especially for those cases that are explored in the erratic and intricate world of social and human sciences, where subjectivities are even more impassable.
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