Construction of an instrument to assess situational and external factors associated to sports performance


  • Diana Vázquez Cruz National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Cecilia Silva Gutíerrez National Autonomous University of Mexico



psychometric scales, high performance, sport, sport psychology


There are mainly three groups of factors that influence the performance of athletes: situational, external and personality or internal (González- Boto et al., 2006; Márquez, 2004; Weinberg & Gould, 1996), even though there are several instruments to assess personality factors, there are none to asses the external and situational sources that may affect the performance of athletes. A deeper knowledge of these factors will allow the design of performance optimizing strategies. Objective: Construct and validate an instrument intended to measure the situational and external factors that influence high-performance athletes. Method: A total of 243 athletes participated. Results: The final result was a 19-item instrument, distributed in four subscales: Uncertainty, Importance of competition, Perception of resting and feeding habits, and Perception of Training, with a Cronbach’s alpha of .724, within an acceptable range for basic research. Conclusion: Even though it is necessary to continue working at both theoretical and statistical levels in order to reach higher internal consistency, the present is a useful instrument to identify external and situational factors that affect the performance of athletes.

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Author Biographies

Diana Vázquez Cruz, National Autonomous University of Mexico

PhD student of the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Member of the Health and Food laboratory, Research and Postgraduate Division.

Cecilia Silva Gutíerrez, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Full time professor/researcher of the Research and Postgraduate Division of the Faculty of Psychology


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How to Cite

Vázquez Cruz, D., & Silva Gutíerrez, C. (2016). Construction of an instrument to assess situational and external factors associated to sports performance. Educación Física Y Deporte, 34(2), 389–407.



Research articles