Communication process that take place in school sport


  • Jairo Rosas Tibabuzo National Pedagogical University
  • José Guillermo Martínez Yepes Rochester Educational Foundation
  • César Daniel Romero Luengas Marymount Foundation
  • Mauricio Reina Celi
  • Marco Antonio Ariza Navarro CERLALC



Communication, Processes, Scholar Practice, Teacher, Children


The purpose of this research report in accordance with the previous projects, the characterization of the practices and educative processes that are promoted in school sport practice; within the framework of the research Sport and School of the Specialization in Pedagogy of Sport Tra- ining of the National Pedagogical University makes an attempt to characterize processes that foster communicative order between teacher and children and young people who practice school sports. Identifying how these communicative processes develop in school sport allows to analyze the impact they have in the development of participating children; having in consideration that the educative and formative process is an act essentially communicative, and depending on how this process develops relationships willbe established. Consequently, the pedagogical dyna- mic proposed by the teacher-coach in the practice will affect the children’s role which might have been limited to the execution of motor tasks, designed to acquire technical skills and sports, neglecting or ignoring the integral formation of the students.  The investigation project was developed under a mixed approach and descriptive methodology with a compilation of information analyzed in a quantitative and qualitative way, to answer the characterization of communication processes developed in school sport practice.

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Author Biographies

Jairo Rosas Tibabuzo, National Pedagogical University

Mastering in Education

José Guillermo Martínez Yepes, Rochester Educational Foundation

Degree in Physical Education, Specialist in Sports Training Pedagogy

César Daniel Romero Luengas, Marymount Foundation

Degree in Physical Education, Specialist in Sports Training Pedagogy

Mauricio Reina Celi

Degree in Physical Education, Specialist in Sports Training Pedagogy

Marco Antonio Ariza Navarro, CERLALC

Bachelor of Modern and Foreign Languages, Specialization in Cultural Journalism


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How to Cite

Rosas Tibabuzo, J., Martínez Yepes, J. G., Romero Luengas, C. D., Reina Celi, M., & Ariza Navarro, M. A. (2013). Communication process that take place in school sport. Educación Física Y Deporte, 32(2), 1455–1468.



Research articles