Attention-concentration in sport performance
attention, concentration, focus attention, constrained action hypothesis, performanceAbstract
The use of attentional and concentration process has been shown to improve athletic performance. Similarly, the use of attentional focus also influences and impacts the learning performance and sporty, which is an essential variable in the psychological preparation of athletes and sports. However, some coaches do not know about theoretical postulates concerning the attentional process, therefore, the aim of this manuscript is to provide an overview of attention and concentration, as well as provide theoretical and practical guidelines applied in sports. The review of scientific literature shows potentially beneficial effects of external attentional focus on domestic tasks primarily on performance and sports skills. Studies show broad support for the hypothesis of restricted stock, which argues that an external attentional focus is more effective in relation to performance, because of the automatic control of the movement, adopting instead a pro-internal focusing induces the movement is more accordingly conscious movement disturbances. It describes the main techniques attentional improvement and consistent learning as suggested by the research, as well as distracting factors are encouraged to replicate and develop research according to the American context attentional process tailored to the particular condition.
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