Psychology and safety in physical activity in mountain
psychology, safety, physical activity, mountain, perception, thinkingAbstract
To practice mountain activities, it is necessary to be prepared not only technically andphysically but also psychologically. The combination of these three variables is what makes a mountaineer capable of practicing activities without taking more risks than necessary. In a very high percentage our safety in the mountain depends on the decisions we make. And our decisions depend, on a large extent, on the way we perceive the risks involved in the activity to be done. This article is based on the premises that “we perceive”, “we think” and “we decide”. In a risky situation, we must know how to perceive, how to think and how to make the most appropriate decision. Being able to think means being able to make decisions. For this reason, this article describes the psychological processes involved in decision-making, highlighting the main thinking skills and how to develop them. In the same way, a thought process for problem resolution is presented in which the importance of knowledge, control and regulation of self-knowledge is highlighted.
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