From Pedro Serrano to La Serrana: Rewriting the History


  • Laissa Rodríguez Moreno University of Wisconsin-Madison



Serrano, Pedro, Uribe Ángel, Manuel, La Serrana, Vega, Garcilaso de la, national allegory, shipwreck, La Serrana Island


Pedro Serrano’s story, which allows Garcilaso de la Vega to question notions of alterity between Spaniards and Incas, is the same story Colombian intellectual Manuel Uribe Ángel rewrites at the end of the 19th century. Through his hands, the story becomes a national allegory. The shipwreck as a metaphor conveys an image of a primeval land where Uribe Ángel reinterprets the history of Colombia and Latin America. In a post-independence context, the author assigns a place to the indigenous’ legacy in the construction of the nation and critically revises some of the cultural aspects Spaniards brought to Latin America.

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How to Cite

Rodríguez Moreno, L. (2012). From Pedro Serrano to La Serrana: Rewriting the History. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (29), 43–61.


