Correspondence Between Miguel A. Caro and Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo. About the Conservative Invention of a Literary Nation
Caro, Miguel Antonio, Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino, hispanism, traditionalism, literary nation, epistolary genreAbstract
The warm correspondence that Miguel A. Caro and the Spanish scholar, historian and writer Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo maintained for several years shows an intellectual, literary and ideological affinity. Among other interests, they shared the reclaim for the traditional Hispanic literary tradition, in which converge the philological historiography and nationalist imagination as a key for a “literary nation” according to the traditional interpretation of hispanism. Several essays of both writers, some of them referred to this correspondence, show their interest aimed to combat the enlightened and liberal meaning of the nation-state as well as to reduce the existence of other literary traditions in Latin America.
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