The Mechanisms of the Generic Hybridization in “Un poema en el bolsillo” by Héctor Abad Faciolince


  • Jérôme Dulou Paris-Sorbonne University



Abad Faciolince, Héctor, “Un poema en el bolsillo”, literary genres, hybridization


This essay intends to reveal certain mechanisms of generic hybridization which are used in “Un poema en el bolsillo” by Héctor Abad Faciolince and to show how and to what extent the author works at hybridizing these three literary genres: the short story, the autobiography and the essay. An important element of hybridization in the perception of the short story by the reader will also be studied: the presence of the visual documents that relate the text to the journalistic genre. And finally, this essay intends to give an image of the “contemporary writer” between tradition and modernity, reality and fiction.
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How to Cite

Dulou, J. (2014). The Mechanisms of the Generic Hybridization in “Un poema en el bolsillo” by Héctor Abad Faciolince. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (34), 143–161.


