Gran Colombia Unification: self-Expression Arcadia and Identity in South America
González, Fernando, Los negroides, essay, new-utopia, selfexpression, identityAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the work Los negroides (1936) by Fernando González, Antioquia’s well known philosopher. We aim to analyze how his self-conscious writing process reveals clear “South American nationalism”. The descriptions found in his work prove the presence of a neoutopia motive that seeks to reclaim the essence and identity of South America. For this purpose, we take into account Jean Servier’s and Irlemar Chiampi’s theories. We also analyze the presence of the motive “Neo-utopia” in some representative Latin American essayists, such as Reyes, Carpentier, Mariátegui and Vasconcelos. Finally, this article studies the functioning of the neo-utopia concept presented in Gonzalez’s work.
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