Museo de lo inútil, Ursúa and La ceiba de la memoria:Between Crisis and the Order of Representation


  • Yuly Paola Martínez Sánchez Federal University of Rio Grande



representation, Colombian novel, Ursúa, Museo de lo inútil, La ceiba de la memoria


This paper aims to discuss the way in which the literary work embraces traditional models, product of an order or a regime of representation. Also the way in which it avoids this model and breaks the order and generates a representation crisis related with the condition of the current subject, which is a subject in crisis. Three contemporary novels: Ursúa by William Ospina; Museo de lo inútil by Rodrigo Parra Sandoval and La ceiba de la memoria by Roberto Burgos Cantor are analyzed to shed light on this research.

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Author Biography

Yuly Paola Martínez Sánchez, Federal University of Rio Grande

Doctoral student in the history of literature at the Federal University of Rio Grande, RS, Brazil, a fellow of the oea-capes program. Her research areas include: literary history, Latin American literature, and Colombian literature.


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How to Cite

Martínez Sánchez, Y. P. (2015). Museo de lo inútil, Ursúa and La ceiba de la memoria:Between Crisis and the Order of Representation. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (36), 37–57.


