La carroza de Bolívar. Symetry of two failed revolutions in Colombia


  • David Gil Alzate University of Antioquia



La carroza de Bolívar, Simón Bolívar, independence of Colombia, armed left in Colombia


This paper analyzes Evelio Rosero’s La carroza de Bolívar (National Novel Award 2014, Ministry of Culture of Colombia) in order to demonstrate that it is a novel that reveals the symmetric failure of two of the most important social revolutions in Colombia: the independence revolution of the early Nineteen Century and the armed Left revolution in the decade of the Sixties.

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Author Biography

David Gil Alzate, University of Antioquia

McGill University, Canada.


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How to Cite

Gil Alzate, D. (2016). La carroza de Bolívar. Symetry of two failed revolutions in Colombia. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (38), 145–161.