The parodic-satirical key: A reading about the hilarious and the marginalized in “Utria se destapa”, by José Félix Fuenmayor


  • Nicolás Gómez Rey University of Guanajuato



José Félix Fuenmayor, naturalism, foundational novel, urban novel, literary journalism, costumbrismo


The present article discusses the relationship between Utria’s comic and marginalized sides. He is the main character in “Utria se destapa” by José Félix Fuenmayor. Utria is a parody that reproduces and disassembles a linguistic model. That is, an imitation and deformation (that verge on the satire) that become into the artificiality and automatism that shape the character, these are the features that later lead to laughter. This article aims to relate the parody-satirical aspects of Utria (from the diegesis to the extra-textual features of the story) to some aspects of the social and literary arena in Colombia in the early twentieth century. Finally, this study takes into account Bergson (The laughter, 1973) and Hutcheon’s (Ironie, satire, parodie: une approche pragmatique de l’ironie, 1981) discussions and theoretical proposals.

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How to Cite

Gómez Rey, N. (2019). The parodic-satirical key: A reading about the hilarious and the marginalized in “Utria se destapa”, by José Félix Fuenmayor. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (44), 63–80.