“One identical flame”: the transcending gaze in three short stories and three poems by Tomás González





Tomás González, Colombian short story, Colombian poetry, Manglares


This article delves into Tomás González's transcendent gaze through the comparison of three pairs of poems and short stories. In the first one, memory and oblivion are reflected on through the parallelism with the plot. In the second, the importance of reconnecting with childhood and nature is analyzed. Finally, in the third, the worldview involved in overcoming grief is studied. The texts point at the search for spiritual harmony through the reconciliation of the person with the whole and awaken the serene contemplation of human needs in the modern world, to re-signify our own experiences.

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Author Biography

Guillermo Molina Morales, Caro and Cuervo Institute



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How to Cite

Reyes Negrete, F. J., & Molina Morales, G. (2020). “One identical flame”: the transcending gaze in three short stories and three poems by Tomás González. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (47), 55–72. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.n47a03