Writing in the Mist: The Narrative Work of Simón Pérez y Soto as a Historical Source
De poetas a conspiradores, Simón Pérez y Soto, novel as an historical source, judeo-masonic and communist conspiracyAbstract
In this article we analyze De poetas a conspiradores by Simón Pérez y Soto, as historical source. In this sense, we argue that this author wrote his novel like a new means of communication that would broaden the scope of his political position opposed to the Revolución en Marcha of President López Pumarejo which he had already manifested in press notes, essays, and radio allocutions. To achieve this purpose, we approach the novel with an inter and intratextual perspective, that is, proposing a permanent dialogue between the novelistic plot, the published object, and the primary sources of that epoch.
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