Eduardo Caballero Calderon: an approach to his essays


  • Claudia Acevedo Gaviria University of Antioquia



20th c. Colombian literature, essay, Caballero Calderón, Eduardo


This article approaches Eduardo Caballero Calderon's essays so little studied in the academic milieu and infrequently published. It will do a descriptive exploration of his more relevant critical evaluations, among them issues such as relationship between Latin America and Europe, Latin American and Colombian political, economical, and cultural situations, the topic of Colombian regions and their geography, and some topics of philosophical character. One aim of this article is to motivate readers in general an interest for this literary genre so well performed by the autor of El cristo de espaldas, his most acknowledged novel.

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Author Biography

Claudia Acevedo Gaviria, University of Antioquia

Literature Area Teacher. Faculty of Communications. Master in Colombian Literature.


Caballero Calderón, Eduardo. Ancha es Castilla. Medellín: Editorial Bedout, 1963.

____________. Tipacoque. Diario de ayer a hoy. Bogotá: Panamericana, 2010.

____________. Obras. Tomo I y II. Medellín: Editorial Bedout, 1963.

Morales Benítez, Otto. Ideología y cultura. Tomo I. Volumen I. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 1998.

Reyes, Alfonso. Última tule y otros ensayos. Selección y prólogo de Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot. Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1991.

Sanín Cano, Baldomero. El oficio de lector. Selección y prólogo de Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda. Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1989.

Torres Duque, Óscar. “Necesidad y problemas de una historia del ensayo en Colombia”, en: Gaceta. Colcultura. Bogotá – Colombia. N.° 36, octubre 1996, 48-36



How to Cite

Acevedo Gaviria, C. (2011). Eduardo Caballero Calderon: an approach to his essays. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (27), 119–134.


