Building a Caribbean Relational Identity in Twelve Pilgrim Tales by García Márquez




identity, relation, space, postoccidentalism, errantry


This paper studies the construction of a relational Caribbean identity in Twelve Pilgrim Tales based on the analysis of relationship, wandering and postoccidentalism, and the study of landscape as a semiotic articulator. It examines the staging of the first encounter of the Caribbean people in a situation of physical diaspora and their way of understanding their own happening after creating their first image of foreign culture and subjectivity. It is argued that this book illustrates ways of life and transnational spaces and sketches an aesthetic that recreates the Relationship in the new chaos-world from the perspective of a Caribbean subject.

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How to Cite

Castillo Balmaceda, S. M., & Caballero De la Hoz, A. (2022). Building a Caribbean Relational Identity in Twelve Pilgrim Tales by García Márquez. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (51), 57–75.