Book reviewed: Vivo hasta la muerte seguido de Fragmentos. Autor: Paul Ricoeur, Horacio Pons (Traductor)


  • Jorge Brower Beltramín Universidad Santiago de Chile



Ricouer, hermeneutics


In the last years of his life, Ricoeur, a fundamental philosopher of the second part of the 20th century, with his works from phenomenology to the hermeneutics of text and action, devoted himself in a verbose and, at the same time, loving way to central questions that run through his work, and in this short text they take on a meaning that links his philosophy in a special way with his concrete existence. Even though it is a set of incomplete papers and documents, perhaps apparently unconnected, they expose the powerful lucidity of someone who, in the case of his life, reaffirms the value of existence from different and sometimes distant topics that can be understood as Central coordinates of your intellectual production. The guidelines of this thought invite the reader to a state of complicity with the reflective spaces outlined. Certainly, it is a very intimate complicity, which involves us from the scenario-horizon of our own life, its limitation-finitude, and the symbolic design of the afterlife of death.

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How to Cite

Brower Beltramín, J. (2011). Book reviewed: Vivo hasta la muerte seguido de Fragmentos. Autor: Paul Ricoeur, Horacio Pons (Traductor). Estudios De Filosofía, (43), 230–233.



Book Review
